
Membership Benefits

Membership fees are tax deductable

Help Support The Windsor Whip Works Art Center and Enjoy Many Exciting Benefits.

Individual Membership: $35

Exhibit postcards mailed to your home
Quarterly newsletter emailed to your home
Member discounts on special events and workshops
Discounts at restaurants & retailers with membership card
Free invitation to the Art Alliance Seminars
Family Membership: $75
Same benefits as Individual Membership

Patron Membership: $500
Same benefits as above, plus…

Sponsor listing in our newsletter and website
Free WWWAC T- shirt
Curator’s Circle: $1,000
Same benefits as Patron Membership, plus…

Recognition in our Newsletter
Recognition on Donor Wall in our main gallery Floor
Be our guest at Annual Holiday Party
Art Center Friend: $2,500
Same benefits as Curator Circle Membership, plus…

Free group bus trips to a New York City Museum and exciting exhibits throughout New York state
Art Center Benefactor: $5,000
Same benefits as Art Center Friend, plus…

Acknowledgment of gift to appear in all advertising and promotional materials.
Receive your
Receive this Membership Value Card when you become a member of the Windsor Whip Works Art Center and enjoy many exciting benefits.

Membership Rewards Program – Big discounts & Free gifts from participating restaurants, retailers, and service organizations. Art Alliance- Guest speakers provide exciting seminars on topics of interest to artists and art lovers, offering a chance to socialize and share their creative experiences.

Newsletter – Editorial on the latest news of the current art scene, how-to-tips, artist reviews and much more.

Reduced rates – Priority reservations for classes, workshops and special events.

Representation – The opportunity to sells your artwork to corporations, interior decorators and the general public though our WWW Art Consulting divisions with PayPal shopping cart capabilities.

Classes & Workshops – Learn from the most accomplished artists in America.

Professional Marketing Support – with a mixed media program of press releases, direct mail, social media, facebook and internet capabilities.